Dark Grimoire Players Network

Rate Title Author Description Updated
On the road I have taken. Stormy Fighting for the Light, while making it her life's goal to serve the God's as a Cleric, Stormy takes note of things around her and events that mark her time in the vast land of Valorn. Sometimes her entries will be amusing... probably most of the time not. In any case, it's not necessarily for amusement, but to help her record her journey and hopes others will find it useful on their journey. 18 Aug 2005
Micaya Kalaheo micaya A small journal, usually written in charred twig on either bark or animal hide. 14 Aug 2005
Zetetic Steelthunder Riddle me this.. 08 Aug 2005
My Lint Lavender Pikdame From the Depths Of My Pocket 24 Jul 2005
Dante's Journal Serph After being advised by a friend, Dante realized it would be much easier to write in a journal than to write about the events in his life on caves' walls...using his own blood as ink. 23 Jul 2005
Fightin' d'EVILLE El Sinister El Sinister recounts his days of BLESSING Adventurers and KILLIN' d'EVILLE. 22 Jul 2005
Riananka's jurny Riananka *a small journal with sloppy handwriting and several misspelled words* 21 Jul 2005
the mockery of silence Potriene An old leather-bound book sits before you. It's pages are faded and wrinkled, and most are empty, that seem to tell you things without really telling you, by silence. 18 Jul 2005
Its Me! I Have Landed Kati Serpantstail newly bought journal of bright yellow, printed in Valorn, tied up with a green leather belt 06 Jul 2005
Chocobo Food Aquilis Serpentstail A shiny hard book of sky blue, with a gold clip to hold it secure. His name is printed in black writing on the front and underneath in neat handwriten text it say 'please give to Cid of The Dying Rose upon my death'. 05 Jul 2005
The soul of a man xendoron Xendoron's story 01 Jul 2005
Tears Of The Shadowolf Eshthala Shadowwolf Esh's experiences, emotional struggles and Eshisms are collected in a battered leather journal where some of the pages are coming lose 01 Jul 2005
Final words... Elhana [no description] 30 Jun 2005
Defender of the faith Dagobert A member of the Merovingian line, Dagobert, a Healer/Warrior/Poet was driven from his home land of Gaul for maintaining his beliefs in a time of persecution and growing despair in the rise of a new regime. 24 Jun 2005
Nin Parma Tharion Macar A small secret book that is kept away from the world, it is bound in brown leather and written in a starnge type of ink. 24 Jun 2005
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