Dark Grimoire Players Network

Rate Title Author Description Updated
Gwen Drake's Cleric A Gwen Drake A purple book with the names of the Gods of Valorn printed on the cover underneath the title 11 Nov 2005
Venus writes her thoughts Venus Darkmoon A loosely bound collection of scraps of paper of various qualities, written in whatever Venus has to hand at the time, mostly charcoal, sometimes ink, once or twice in less savoury substances... 30 Oct 2005
A release of life Garran Fireblade A small tome made of treated leather with a lockpick sticking from its binding. 27 Oct 2005
The Life Of A Writer Grom Bluesky This journal is thick and has many ripped pages in it. The cover has a single brown leaf stuck to it and has 3 red circles drawn in the center. The name Grom Bluesky is at the bottom of the cover. 13 Oct 2005
The Staff of Hytimal DrakeDT A short journey into Drake's mind. DragonsTale from the other perspective. 13 Oct 2005
In Kait's World... Kaitlyn Doyle A small, cloth bound journal light green in color. It has a drawn on picture of a kitten preparing to pounce on a field mouse. It's face all crunched up in concentration. The pages inside are mostly different shades of beige and slightly different sizes since she adds pages as she finds suitable material. 09 Oct 2005
GNA news Marianna The latest happenings of the Guardians of the New Age. 01 Oct 2005
Mind Over Matter JKD A slightly worn, brown leather journal holding some of the thoughts and ideas of the Marked one. 25 Sep 2005
Kisia's songs Kisia A little pink scrapbook witha ribbon round it 17 Sep 2005
my life by Shi Sho Shi Sho a thin leather-bound book lies before you on the table you pick it up and begin to read....... 13 Sep 2005
A Haphazard Hero Shrii A small worn before its time journal with the words, "For Silver, Sweets And Shinies!" Writen boldy on the front. its obviusly the Journal of a Haphazard Hero! 08 Sep 2005
Young Iren Tales told of a young warrior's travels... 06 Sep 2005
An Empty Tome Casius an old leather volume, with tattered pages and what looks to be a faded arcane sigil on its cover 01 Sep 2005
a firey dragon darthhiron a ash black book with a falming dragon on the fornt in gold the words a firey dragon 31 Aug 2005
Merra's World merra A rather small book that seems fairly new and has a painting of all of the current amazon queens grouped together. 23 Aug 2005
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