Dark Grimoire Players Network

Rate Title Author Description Updated
My Inner Voice Callie Silent A simple tan book with a brown leather strapped wrapped around it, closed with a silver buckle. The writing inside is comprised of small, fine letters, written as if every word is precious to the writer. 28 Oct 2007
The dark diary Drake A bunch of almost random thoughts 28 Oct 2007
Book of Demons eracon A very old Black book! The book appears to look different every time it is viewed! it stinks of what seems like an odor of rotting demon flesh! When viewed in daytime extra light is needed to read it! But at night it is able to be read without external light being needed! One thing about the book stays constant and thats the words on the cover that read "Balthazar,s Army" 25 Oct 2007
journal of Raul jessy Raul is 6'5" with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He is very kind to others and is not afraid to help another when ask to. Can be found most of the time with friends or with his beloved Willow. 13 Oct 2007
False Hopes Ryann Forestre A black, sinister looking journal. One look at it sends a strange shiver down the back of your spine...<br /><br />It carries the stench of contempt, hate, anger, sadness, jealousy and all things of misfortune with it...As you open the journal to read it, you notice the ink is a deep red color...almost looks like blood.
You wonder where a cleric would get such an object. Or, more importantly, why would he WANT to have such an object?
30 Sep 2007
No title ildara Just a few scraps of paper bound with a string. 27 Sep 2007
This Here Be Mine Emily Ehrlich A surprisingly immaculate plain leather journal with the inscription: The Days of Emily Ehrlich as Told to and Transcribed by Rolfo. 19 Sep 2007
Thoughts of a Wolf Starwing A worn but tightly bound notebook that goes wherever Star does. Muddy paw prints and smudges can often be seen smeaing the pages.... 18 Sep 2007
Amusing Thoughts Laina Dorovan A simple black book with a delicate, silver flower marking the pages. On the cover is inscribed "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". 09 Sep 2007
Hard Life of a Cleric Avery Bloodstone A plain and simple looking tanned leather covered book wrapped in a blood stained dark leather cloth. On the cover you can see the symbols of all the Valornian Dieties embedded in to the thick cover. At the bottom you can see a family name "Bloodstone" also embedded into it. 07 Sep 2007
My Piece of the World Kasi A small tome bound in soft leather. Two swords crossing with a flower twisting around the bades is enbazened on the cover 29 Aug 2007
Black Rose Journal Sonia Redstone A leather bound book with a encrusted Black Rose on the cover with the initials S.R. And the pages have a burnt edge look 24 Aug 2007
Marlboro Journal Yulan Marlboro A plain simple Journal that looks brand new and not used much. 19 Aug 2007
Korrith's Diary Korrith A sleek black book, most often found laying around Dundee Inn, bears the name Korrith Oniban and seems to have been recently repaired. Teeth marks can still be seen on some parts, as well as smudges of ink and grubby fingerprints of those who could not resist the temptation of flicking through the pages. 19 Aug 2007
This Girl's Life Maerad Red bunnyfuzz cloth covers the parchment and on the front the name "Maerad" is scrawled in a black lettering. 09 Aug 2007
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