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Two thin slats of wood hold a collection of paper of various sizes. The writing itself bears scrawls, writeouts and scratchthroughs. Careful looking will reveal most of the poor spelling diction and grammer being marked through and more typical writing being left.
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last days
February 2007
Friday, 09 February 2007
I've taken some time to think about stuff lately and balance what Zyanna said with what Will said. I think both are right.

I didn't think a ceremony was needed because all the right words were already said. I guess he wanted it because it made it seem more real. I don't know about the real part but it was very nice. Fleur found good words to say. Words that weren't too busy or tricksy. They were good words even if some might have been scary. And we found our own too. And there weren't people there except for someone who came in and left.

Afterwards we rested for a while and when I woke up and went to the inn, noone was around except for some youngsters. Eagle sent me a message saying things were going on with Cordelia in Fartown and I could come see, but I told her I had to stay talk with the new ones since no one else was around. She said she'd keep me informed.

After a while more knowledgeable people showed up and I went out to Fartown to see what was going on. There were so many people! But I knew some of them so I stayed. There was a big hole in the ground and Cordelia said we should go down it. Everyone seemed to run down it at once. After a bit in the large room I left because it was too crowded.

Then people came back up and started to leave. Cordelia said she was going to the Fortress. I hope she got some rest. She looked very tired. It must be sad for her everyone looks at her differently now and talks about her differently too. I hope she finds a way to be happy.
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