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The Book of Change
Monday, 29 October 2007
Changed @ 17:48 - Link - comments
I returned yesterday from a trip to Denion, the seeming county smith who is actually the best worker in metal and jewels that I know. I wanted a present, something marvellous and unique, for Ellyana's special day.
The reult was the finest work he has produced for me - a small intricately-woven casket of gold and silver, inside which nestled a soulsstone upon which were the figures of unicorns and seahorses picked out in silver, and our two names had been written in gold. A truly wonderful item, and it was a pleasure to see the look on my lady's face when I gave her the gift.
Ellyana officiated at a bonding yesterday - our guild member Fen was bonded to Drake - and the affair passed very well.
Later, Ellyana hunted in N'rolav Caernivale while I trained on the beach below. It was hard training there, I was attacked at almost every step I took. I gained quite a fair bit of experience during the outing.
We met up with Lucy and Keldor, and we all rode the cannon. Ellyana and Lucy both flew across the skies to the same LM. I landed on a bandit in the grasslands, and a moment later Keldor landed next to me. I headed to Fartown and rode the cannon once more - and ended up back on midnight beach!
I caught up with Ellyana in Milltown. She'd been given some TB's by Keldor and Lucy, gifts for her special day. And what gifts they turned out to be! Only two days previously, Ellyana had been saying that she'd never got a crystalline shard from a TB - imagine the expressaion on her face when one of those TB's yielded just that!
Ellyana gave me a superb gift. She had obtained a duelmaster and modified it so that it now holds some of her blessing of light - a wondrous item, for now I need not change my equipment so often when in darker places, and I can dispense with the shield of light I've carried for some time. I'll be able to walk these places carrying my usual two weapons - the rogue's talent on which my fighting style, and ultimately my survival in battle, is based.