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The Book of Change
Monday, 01 October 2007
Changed @ 16:46 - Link - comments
Eventually, after a journey of which I have absolutely no recollection, I found Ellyana. Well actually, the reverse is true. She found me wandering in Milltown, and with the help of Kias took me to the hall. Ellyana healed the last of my wounds, and I've eaten and rested, and the fever that's held me these last few days is just about gone.
The one thing I remember is that I had to make sure Ellyana's gift was safe. I found my way to the bank for some reason, then she caught up with me as I stood in the street at Milltown, rummaging through my pack. I found the bracelet after we'd got to the hall, and I felt easier in my mind once the princess had her gift.
I woke feeling more human than I have done for days. Ellyana's been talking about hope, and I feel that hope has been revitalised in me along with my health and strength.
There are some matters I need to catch up on, things that have arisen during my enforced absence, and then it's back to training.