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The Book of Change
Friday, 31 August 2007
Changed @ 15:04 - Link - comments
I awoke late, and Ellyana had left the place where we had been resting. I gathered my equipment and headed for milltown. Stopping to dress a small graze (I had to keep my eyes shut for a while - don't ask!) I headed for the town centre.
Ellyana and I had planned a quiet evening. We intended to go for a meal, then spend some time together on a quiet beach.
After a diversion to Dundee to let some adventurers down into the sewers, we headed for Caern and then on to Kili. After picking up food and drinks we headed for the beach.
It was a glorious evening, there on the golden sands. We watched the stars as they shone down on us, and we chatted about this and that. Later, as the stars dimmed and the sun rose, our conversation turned to more serious matters.
I had known for a few days that something had been bothering Ellyana. It seems that time spend in dark mountain lairs or fire-bright volcanic tunnels has awakened some of her previous fears. I was at a loss to know what to do. It pains me to know that my love undergoes such torture, while I can do so little to help ease her mind. I asked what I could possibly do, and she replied that I could be with her, and to hold her as she slept. Little enough, I know, but I've got into the habit of sitting for some time, watching over her as she sleeps. As the night ended and daylight washed over us, Ellyana felt she could rest if I watched over her, so needless to say that is what I did.
After the quiet day away from the creatures of the lands, I'll soon get back to training.