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The Book of Change
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Changed @ 14:05 - Link - comments
Just as I returned to the lands the crier called that dark portals had opened near Caer Laleldan. I hurried there, with no time even to send a messenger bird to Ellyana, in order to aid in the defence. But by the time I arrived, all was serene and the raiders had been vanquished.
Ellyana and I met in Miltown and after a while we headed into N'rolav endless desert. I'm very close, now, to achieving the level I've been working at for what seems an age. But I'd had a long journey back to the lands, so could not train long enough to reach the level. That should come later today.
We went to one of our quiet places to talk and relax for a while. Ellyana had acquired three TB's in the last few days, and she lined them up to be opened.
What a surprise - one demon helm and two glowing blue crystals! My love nearly fainted from shock. After so many fruitless kills, two of the elusive glowing crystals lay on the ground before her.
I badly needed to rest for a while, so I stayed in our quiet place while Ellyana set off to find what the crystals contained. I do so hope they were useful - it would be a blow if both were duplicates. I'll find my lady soon, to find out what happened when the crystals were translated for her.
I've collected a couple of glowing crystals myself, so soon it's off to the machine to see how my luck is holding up. Then I should attain the next level. My Phantom Mask is sitting in the bank, ready for me to use, and once I get new armour then I'm all set to hunt down the great Ash Demon for his gauntlets. Busy, busy, busy.