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The Book of Change
Monday, 22 May 2023
Changed @ 16:53 - Link - comments
Almost two cycles ago I paid a rather large amount of plat for a ferry trip. I tried to haggle over the price of a ticket but to no avail. I almost walked away, but then realised it might be the only chance I ever had to see just a small part of one place I thought it would never be possible to visit.
I can truly say the experience proved to be unforgettable!
In between other duties I've hacked at the patch of vines growing north of Dundee, and walked the Royal Road in N'Rolav, fighting with the remains of guardsmen.
It's taken a while but last turn I finally completed the task of recouping the price of that ticket. The coin itself isn't important, but it does enable me to supply basic equipment for those I take to the temple.
I long ago lost track of how many vines and guards I chopped down to earn back the coin. Again that's a number that is not particularly relevant. The hunt has kept me out of mischief, and away from the life monuments.

Time to find another goal.