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The Book of Change
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Changed @ 17:38 - Link - comments
Fall Festival was the usual time of comradeship and fun, and thoroughly enjoyable although I was left feeling rather low after the season ended. It's a mood that often strikes me after festivals, but that mood passes in its own time.
There was a rather unpleasant surprise waiting for me a few turns back. Some demonic creatures, ones I had never heard of before, had attacked the lands while I was sleeping. I was told of the raids when I woke later and was roaming the lands. I'd been told the creatures had been dealt with so it was something of a shock to walk into four of them when I stumbled across a place where they'd hidden themselves away, presumably hoping to avoid the same fate as had befallen those others that had attacked with them. It was a struggle, but with the gifts of Valya's blessings and Phynix' enchantments I was able to fend off the foul creatures until Lavender, stronger and more experienced than I am, awoke and I could call on her for assistance.
There have been problems at the Life Monuments. Two are scorched and no longer functioning. The one in northern Dundee was damaged by sheets of fire, and the one just outside Milltown was damaged when a comet crashed down from the skies. The lands were littered with shards of glass which many have taken to collecting. I wondered at first if they might be etched with writing, in the same way as were the Sunrifter shards which we found so long ago, and would give us some guidance. However, that does not appear to be the case with these lucent shards of comet glass. Perhaps some may find a use for them, or maybe they will have no use except to be used as decoration.

In common with some others, I've been sleeping more than usual as the season turns and the marcs of darkness stretch out longer. No doubt, as in so many things, this too will pass and life will return to normal as the defence of the lands is taken up once more.