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The Book of Change
Saturday, 31 October 2015
Changed @ 17:13 - Link - comments
How many moments - how many marcs - had passed since I was dragged crashing to the deck of that broken ship? There was no way to tell what time had elapsed while I fought to save Ellyana. It seemed to have been a flashing instant, and a lifetime. But now in that dream/other world the 'rifter shone down on me.
I looked around the deck. Of the corrupt withered thing there was no sign. Nor of Ellyana come to that. I stood alone.
The last rain was falling as I ran around the deck seeking clues as to Ellyana's fate. And just in time as the rain washed away the last vestige of a vital clue, I saw a small pool of blood on the railing. Blood, not foul ooze - this was from an injury to my lady. And caught on a piece of planking jutting out just below was a scrap of emerald material. I had my answer. Ellyana had dropped into the rolling waves. Worse, she must be hurt. The significance of the sound I'd heard, of something hitting wood and a scream abruptly cut off, hit with sudden and sickening clarity.
Those waves were abating, true. But even so the final remnants of the storm still lashed them into foaming breakers. My heart sank as I looked out from the shipwreck. And then - a flash of green just visible below the surface, picked out by the rays of the 'rifter.
Needless to say I didn't stop to think. Keeping my eyes fixed in the direction I'd seen that flash of colour I climbed onto the handrail, took a deep breath and dived into the swirling ocean waters. The sound of waves breaking on the shore, against the shattered ship, pounded in my ears as I tried to see through turbulence. The water was icy cold, but oddly enough that gave me some hope. I've been told that falling into such cold water can put someone into a sort of sleep - and that could only be good for my lady lost in the waters somewhere around me, hurt or maybe worse. I put aside thoughts of the worst possibility and swam as long as I could before having to surface for another breath.
Again dive and search, swim up to breathe. And again. And again ...
Thankfully the 'rifter had chased away the last of the storm. The waters calmed and became clearer as they ceased churning up sand and stone from the ocean bed. By then I was frantic, and sheer desperation was all that was left to me to keep searching. I've been called stubborn I know - and on this occasion that stubbornness was the only thing to sustain me. Strength was almost depleted, hope almost lost - but I still had the resolve that both of us would emerge from the water. Both, or neither.
A flash of colour - was it Ellyana, or one of the sparks of light that flashed in my eyes and befuddled my brain? I swam in that direction - and my heart rose as I made out an emerald dress and Ellyana's locks floating in the water. I'd found her at least, though in what state I couldn't tell. I slid an arm around her waist, holding her close, and struck out for the surface. Her eyes were closed, her skin pale. As I gasped in more air I could see no sign that she was breathing.
I took another gulp of air, which I blew into her mouth, though as we floated in the sea some of that precious air was wasted when a wave tried to drive us apart. I grabbed Ellyana once more, held both arms around her, and squeezed, and then blew more air into her mouth. And then I let go of her with one arm, and started to swim for the shore.
Swim, stop, squeeze, suck in air and feed it to Ellyana. Call her name, put fingers to her throat to check for sign of life. Then do it all again. Progress was painfully slow - in fact sometimes we lost ground when caught in a current of water. But even so, slowly - oh! so slowly - the beach came closer. Eventually I was able to stand and I took her in my arms and waded from the water and on to the shore.
I laid her down and took a close look - closer than had been possible with water swirling around and getting in my eyes. There was no breath, no movement. She was pale, and cold, and still. I was calling her name but there was no response. I brushed wet hair away from eyes that remained closed. I turned her head to one side and started to squeeze down on her chest, blowing breath into her mouth after every few motions. I spoke to her, begged her, shouted at her, but still there was nothing. I recalled another time and remembered what I'd done then. 'Ellyana, wake. Please wake. Come back, my love. Wake ... now!' And at the least word I slammed a fist down hard onto the breastbone.
My reward was a faceful of seawater, expelled in a cough. More coughing as water cleared from her, and a few quiet moans. But she lived ... she lived!
Ellyana's breathing was ragged and shallow, and she was still cold, but the 'rifter shone down brightly, and in a blessedly short time we were starting to dry, and my lady felt slightly warmer. Her breathing became deeper, more normal, though there was still an occasional cough, and she seemed to be in a normal sleep.
I sat on that shore for marc after marc, her head on my lap as I held her, speaking softly about the times we'd spent together, the games we'd played, the plans we had. And my heart soared as at last a small smile came to her lips. Though she still slept, it seemed that now Ellyana at least heard my voice even if unaware of what I was saying.
I leaned down to kiss her cheek. This time I'd not failed her, not lost her. But even so my eyes flickered from time to time away from her beloved face to that ruined ship. I wondered just how that twisted caricature had faded away. Once again it had slipped from my grasp, avoided a final confrontation it would not survive.
On that beach and at that time, my task was to look after my lady. To wait 'til she woke, or carry her home if need be. I watched over her as breathing deepened and colour started to return to her cheeks, feeling her get slightly warmer. I too felt warmer as the 'rifter dried the water from me. Though there was one resolution, one piece of my heart, that remained cold. Somehow - some turn sooner or later - I will destroy that creature.