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Adventures of a Valornian
Adventures of a Valornian
The small bound book is written in a curving script.
Sunday, 26 December 2004
I haven't been in Dundee for very long, but I've found that there are many friendly people here. A man that at the time I hadn't learned his name, but upon giving his description to the humble Virgil I found he was a great man known as Lyndhen.

There was another, a Lady, who had the strangest name. Jimmy Kitten. I was unsure as to who she truly is, as I've never heard of a girl going by the name of a male.

THey are both nice, and after taking a stroll down guild hall lane I found that they belong to the Clan of the Shrouded Bunnies. I know nothing of them, but I have also met a man known as Xanthias. He comes from a guild called the Remnants of Kimald. I do not know where this place Kimald is, or why they are remnants of it, but it seems somewhat foolish to live in the past of something. These people in the Clan of the Shrouded Bunnies have a strange name too, as I've never seen a shrouded bunny, or a shrouded animal of any sort.

I think perhaps that I will have to build my own guild, and I have asked around, there may be others interested as well. It is costly, but I am willing to take the endeavor. As long as I train smart, I should be able to get the needed money between my skill levels of the tenth and fifteenth degrees. The Trainer here in Dundee tells me that those levels are fairly low in comparison with how advanced the teachings of the trainers in Valorn are capable of but I think I should be able to get the appropriate amoung of platinum by that time.
Reliae_Kirleu posted @ 07:50 - Link - comments (1)
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