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Finding the proper path
Age: the first signs of progressing age are showing
Location: Can often be found at Strifegorge or reading in the Library of the Remnants of Kimald.
Warrior Lineage
Of the line of Sir Thuk
through Lahnoran
through Islander
through Pogumni
through Ferno Vlade
through Harmonia
last days
March 2009

Currently Reading...
'Rites of worship: how to honour the Gods the proper way'

'Of the great creations: the works of Ben, the Creator'

'The mystery of Life'

'Geography of Valorn and it's surroundings'

Of Qalynok'orlahrak and other famous dragons'

'The history of Valorn' part I to XVIII but several parts seem to be missing

'Of forests, grass, herbs, flowers, shrubs and trees: the flora of Valorn'

'The beasts of Valorn: a bestiary'

'Demons: a plague'

'Ancient Art and poetry in Valorn'

'Ancient Knowledge of the Golden Age: Science and Magic'

Finding the proper path
A thick book, lying on a desk in a monastery, hidden in the mountains. Nicely formed letters fill the pages, clearly the hand of an educated person.

Tuesday, 31 March 2009 at 14:05

Where to begin? The rumours seemed to have some truth in them after all. Bandits! Who would have thought. Anyway, despite the fact there had been seen bandits running away in the night, we had no proof. Also we didn't knew what they were up to. To find out more information about the bandit identities and plans, we asked others to be extra vigilant in the areas surrounding the forest. Asking them to report anything suspicious. Soon reports came in. Several people had been seen 'acting suspicious'. However, there was no real proof of banditism. A lot of suspicions, but no real proof. Frustrating as it was, there was not much else to do than to wait untill something solid would arise. And then finally, the word came. I wasn't around at the moment, but this is how the word came to me.

A girl named Pauline had been found. She had earlier been reported being looking carefully around town and even a bit overly defensive if one would approach. But now she was found wounded by Brisingr and Willow Landry. Apparently willow healed her injuries, and by doing so, gained her trust. As she did her story, it appeared that she was threathened and wounded by the cutlass of a person she referred to as Merry and who was dressed in bearskin. Apparently Pauline stumbled in upon a conversation stumbled in on a conversation between this Merry and an man who has been described as rather smelly and wearing tattered and torn clothing, wearing a ratskin hat. They had maps and seemed to be discussing some building, but apparently that was the moment they noticed Pauline. After being wounded and threathened the poor lass was terrified of everyone. I guess we can only be thankfull for Willow Landry being able to calm her down, so that she did her tale.

Anyway, now we have a lead. All that is left now is the capture of this Merry-person Some people are making plans for the capture as I am writing this down. I wish I could help, but it seems better for Iron Knights to stay out of sight, as we're rather noticable. Our presence might keep the bandits away.

Iron Knight Purazon

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