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The Heart of Shadows
Sunday, 05 July 2015
I found nothing again, not a whisper of a rumour or sighting. Still I will not give up nor stop looking. If anyone can survive such a storm at sea it would be Red and the Witch, only fools would dismiss them as lost so readily.

So after another fruitless search I have returned and found nothing has changed on that front either. OF my brother I have seen nothing but I have no doubt that once he hears the distant jingling of my plat he will show up soon enough. Of the guild only Z seems to be around though I’m sure the others are rattling cages somewhere. I have left messages for the waif but have heard nothing. Perhaps she has stopped looking for my return or maybe she has come to realise that no matter how long I am gone I will always come back and so merely waits for me to find her for a change.

It seems there is a new darkness wandering the lands…shadow people or guardians or something. Apparently Sigarni got kissed by one, which begs the question. How easy with her lips is she? Though kissing could just be a weird colloquialism these morons are using for battling these creatures. I’m not sure I care enough to actually find out though I can’t deny being slightly curious about the answer, one needs some sort of amusement in these droll times and I haven't forgotten my own score that needs settling between the darkness and myself.

The people are just as morose and depressing as usual. Talk about dull and dreary.

I did some manual labour and didn’t see a single reward for my efforts. Honest work is for dogs, their rewards the measly scraps they can scrounge up at the end of the day. I will NOT be doing that again. It left me feeling like a mark; used, abused and totally filthy.

I’m bored, bored of hunting the spider caves for blue guardians. Bored of the sneers and gnashing of frustrated teeth of enchanters and clerics when I do find them. Bored of raids not that I ever bother to run to them. Bored…last time I felt like this I donned a red dress. The idea is tempting but I know I’ll be just as bored in a turn or two and will want to pick up my daggers again. So no…that is not an option, anyway; who would I ask to take me to temple? No…guess I’m just gonna have to create a storm and stir up some trouble instead.

» Seragil Shadowsong posted @ 07:41 »»» - Link - comments (4)