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The Heart of Shadows
Thursday, 15 May 2008
I've always loved the blissful silence of the Cave of Night, the quiet darkness with just the glimmer of light from moon or sun glittering across the surface of the pool.

The Spinners of Fate are a pack of spavined heifers

The enchantress is worried, worried over trouble and heartache that I believe will not happen, but she has a point. Valorn is full of trouble making vipers who enjoy nothing but the suffering of others. No doubt they do it because it gives their empty lives a sense of power, justification and the joy of petty vindictiveness.

The ex cleric is awake. Gods just the thought of it fills me with joy. Joy and sorrow both. I want to say her name, to hear it, feel it whisper over my lips, to fill the darkness with the memory of her laughter, her smile, the mischievous flash of her eyes. Yes, I still love her, will always love her. I told the enchantress this and no doubt she hates it, but it's the way it is. But what the ex cleric and I had, it is over now. Gods. I missed and mourned her for so long. The love we had, one for the other... The memory hurts.

I was told she would never wake, all the healers of the land told me she would never awake and I believed them. I gave up hope and believed them. I summoned her spirit and told her that I had to move on and so I did.

Now once again she walks the lands and what we had is over. Never trust anyone, never believe a word they tell you. People don't know bos dung about bos dung.
She is awake and the mere knowledge filled, fills me with joy, to know the sun once again shines on her, that the sweet cool winds once again touch and know her.

Her story and mine is a tragic one and if things had been different...well...things wouldn't have changed. But they did and they are different now, I continued on with life while she slept and I fell in love with another woman and I am happy for it. Our lives must go on, must move forward. There is no going back, we are not meant to.

But...there is something I cannot accept. I saw her the other day, the ex cleric. I saw her and spoke to her. I haven't told the enchantress this, the stark despair of it was too much for me to admit. I saw her and she knew me not. I spoke to her and she looked at me as a stranger would, to look in her eyes and see no recollection, it terrified me in a way nothing else ever has, not even the wrath of the gods which...well lets face it I am who I am and make no apologies for it. But to see nothing but blankness and confusion on her face...Its not that she was my bonded or a member of my guild. Its that she was my friend and I cherished that as I do all my friends. I cannot...I do not want her to forget that. I can live with the loss of everything else, I will mourn it, but can live it. I cannot live with the loss of that, not without a fight anyway. She needs to remember for her own sake as well, to remember who she is, who she was. That way she can step forward with confidence and be the woman she chooses to be.

As for the Enchantress and I. She frets over nothing. I made my choice and she has nothing to fear, one cannot go back in time, they can only go forward and I chose to go forward with her.. She brought joy back into my life, joy laughter and love. Fool of a woman, you doubt for nothing.

Damn the Fates to the bottom of the river Styx and the endless howling voids of Hades. But for the gift of memory all would be well for everyone, a little sad maybe but well none the less..

» Seragil Shadowsong posted @ 05:27 »»» - Link - comments