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Malak's musings
Malak's musings
This book is bound in bear hide. It is obvious to the reader that the book is hand made and kept by an intellegent yet unwealthy person. The writing is in a man's hand and done in charcoal and pen. Opening the cover one discover's the author is Malak.
Monday, 29 November 2004
Today I shall begin to tell the story of Malak of Dundee. It is not a new story, but one told by many souls of this land. Hardships have given way to friendships and acceptance.

Returning to Dundee after many long journies was one of both happiness and the deep sadness of finding all you knew to be gone. Venturing to my family's farm I found the entire area scorched and razed to the ground. Only the demon hordes could have caused this destruction. Furhter, there has been no sign of my parents or brothers these many weeks that I have been home.

More later, I can't see the pages for the tears........
Malak posted @ 18:02 - Link - comments
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