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My Lint
From the Depths Of My Pocket
Friday, 01 July 2005
I can't make up my mind. Upon finding another Weapon Primitive, I've decided I might as well continue my search.

It's amazing how Dundee has changed. Whenever I come to this town, I am always amazed at the amount of new faces I encounter. Some I have enjoyed meeting, some... well... No one's perfect. Right?

My mother has asked me about her niece. I havn't replied. I don't have the heart to. Anyway, I've never met her, so what would be the point? "Well, I've HEARD she's here... beyond that, uh... well I havn't heard about her dying, so I'm assuming she's fine!" I'm sure that would go over well.

I need a vacation. Maybe a dip in the hot springs at Kilican. Hmmm....
Lavender Pikdame posted @ 19:16 - Link - comments (2)
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