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Wanderings of a Protector
Wanderings of a Protector
A small, brown leather bound book. The handwriting inside is neat, and tiny, written in a precise hand. Some stains appear on the pages, blood, sweat or tears, all exist there. The pages that are already used are aged golden, and the new ones are pristine white. A simple spell prevents this from aging, but the moment they have pen stricken upon them, the spell fades.

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Wednesday, 02 March 2005
The pages here seem to be stained by blood, and what appears to be ash.

I have spent many marcs here in the abysmal fire caverns, hunting things that seem to be made of pure flame. Not covered in it, but made of it. I miss the Overworld. I miss Venus and Isolde, I miss Danica and Elysian. So much that I took for granted.

I have been injured many times, and always I am quick to heal myself. Though I have now lost the use of one of my eyes, due to the fact that one of these blasted Flame Serpents lashed out with its tail and caught me across the face. My eye has swollen shut, and I fear what will happen when I am forced to open it.

I am badly burned, and there are times when it simply feels as if I am roasting alive beneath the layers of my armour. It itches, but I do not scratch, lest I come away with some of my own skin. This place is a place that I hated when I was here fighting I fight things infinitely more dangerous than mere fire imps.

Either way...I make my way out of this place now. Many things to be done, and I desperately desire to see my friends and family again.

So for now, I must put away the quill and take up the sword. If only I would never have to do that...I would enjoy the days that I could write and write only. However, that day is not yet come, and as such, I must take up my sword to protect those that I love.

Xanthias wrote this entry at 21:24
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