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Wanderings of a Protector
Wanderings of a Protector
A small, brown leather bound book. The handwriting inside is neat, and tiny, written in a precise hand. Some stains appear on the pages, blood, sweat or tears, all exist there. The pages that are already used are aged golden, and the new ones are pristine white. A simple spell prevents this from aging, but the moment they have pen stricken upon them, the spell fades.

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Sunday, 06 February 2005
I have...started a pilgrimage. My decision to do so, I fear, has caused the hearts of two to be paralysed. Yet, this is something that I must do, something that, when asked, I must say I did out of love for at least two.

Many things have happened, things that I would not dare write down anywhere but own mind. Not for fear of them being found out, but fear that if writing them down acknowledges them, then I care not to acknowledge them at this moment in time.

I have left them each a gift, for themselves, and for each child. I pray that those gifts are not the last things that I give them, but I do not know whether or not I will return.

I have given them each a promise that I will return, after I find myself. For that is the purpose of my journey. To find myself. I fear that I have lost myself in the time that I have sworn to be protector of the small villages and towns in Valorn.

The Gods, they smile upon me at times, though at other times I fear that I have upset the mighty Ben. For a long while, I did not see him as anything but a God of vengeance and wrath. Smiting us mere mortals for no reason, and on a whim. I know now, that though his smiting be random, they do not mean he harbours ill will towards those adventurers which he smites. Normally.

I go now, seeking many things, and though I know of two more mortals who have been ascended into the realm of the Gods, it disheartens me...I had always sought a position such as that. To work and live among the Gods, helping them in their heavenly constructions.

However, I would never deem myself worthy, nor would I bother them with such petty prayers. I am mortal, and will remain so either until they decide that I should move on and become something more than mortal but less than god, or remain mortal.

Either way, I will remain in my ever vigilant position of Protector. None shall prevent me from saving these people. I will not let them go the way that I let the people of Kimald. My friends, my family, I watched them leave me before my very eyes, taken from by the forces of the Black Lord.

I can save these people, and I will strive to do so until the Marc that the Great God Cory deems to remove his blessing of renewed life from me. When will that day be? Who is to say? It matters not, for I will remain vigilant, and I will serve the Gods in whichever manner they see fit.
Xanthias wrote this entry at 17:25
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