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The Staff of Hytimal
The Staff of Hytimal
A short journey into Drake's mind. DragonsTale from the other perspective.
Thursday, 13 October 2005
I'm just trying out some things

by the way, I finnally leveled up to 21.. thanks to AVE. and did it way way before the festival. maybe I can get part way to 22.. woot.

---So say Drake DragonsTale
DrakeDT posted @ 07:33 - Link - comments
Sunday, 11 September 2005
I moved around a bit, really haven't fought much....

Kinda depressed. I'm sitting in the middle of Milltown.

I'm just watching the people come and go... I really don't feel like fighting...

I just don't get much time to.. and then when I do, I feel like I'm getting no where.

oh well...

today.. maybe I'll visit the tombs... if I don't decide to take a left and go to the guild hall..

life is strange.. though, it's a good day to die... thank Cory, everyday is a good day to die... a few times at lest. that is, unless you do it too much and he decides to keep you outta danger for a few marcs.. smile.gif

well.. that's my entry... not much.. but then what can be.

---So say Drake DragonsTale
DrakeDT posted @ 09:41 - Link - comments
Wednesday, 27 July 2005
I sit here to write a story about my journeys.. then remember, that I haven't journied recently... I just sit here, at the foot of a volcano, watching adventures come to the healer and run on to fight again... insanity... I should join... maybe tomorrow.

remember, hard work may pay off in the long run, but procrastination always pays off right now.

---So say Drake DragonsTale
DrakeDT posted @ 11:10 - Link - comments
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