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Dirk's Ramblings
Dirk's Ramblings
the unification of the guilds... the fight against evil... the many layers of the one they call Dirk...
Tuesday, 06 September 2005
For once in my life words have been very hard to put together. Days pass and writing in my journal has been the furthest thing from my mind.

Many great friends have decided to leave the guild lately and it has been sad to see them go. Harder yet are all the people that ask me, “Why did so and so leave?” Or “What’s going on with the RoK?”. The first question is nearly impossible to answer for I know why some have left but it doesn’t make sense, I don’t know why others have left and they aren’t telling much as to why either. All I can do is wish them the best and let everyone know who asks that the only person who can answer why they left is them.

As for what’s going on with the RoK, that’s a much harder question to answer. I feel we are still strong. It is hard though to stand proud and say that, for we are all sad at the recent losses. But I stand none the less in hopes that others will stand with me firmly behind the leadership and that this too shall pass and we can get back to the matters at hand. We have not stopped welcoming in new members or helping the new adventurers around Valorn. We have not given up in our quest to find the answers to the mysteries of the Golden Age. The RoK has not changed in purpose nor have we given up on the fight against Balthazar.

Taking a stand is never easy, especially when you feel partially to blame.
Dirk DT posted @ 11:01 - Link - comments (2)
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