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jot & tittle
jot & tittle
A few pieces of worn parchment, folded and tied with string to form a small bundle.
Friday, 10 April 2009
It's been an odd couple of weeks -- I'm feeling a little out of the loop -- but that's fine with me. I missed the Dockside Faire -- I hear that the Royal Guard and some others succeeded in apprehending the bandit "Merry". There was talk of some sort of bank robbery that they had planned. Also, I heard something about a poet pickpocket who attempted to trade for Azure Greenhills' hat -- but I saw her wearing it recently, so apparently that situation was diffused.

I have set up a temporary camp in the Trodden Village. It is my training ground of choice these days. I don't mind sleeping among the ogres -- they seem too dense to realize that I am a threat to them. I spend some time moving throughout their fortress, dispatching of their strongest soldiers -- and then I retreat to my camp in the SW corner of the village.

Good times!
Boy Svalbard posted @ 13:29 - Link - comments
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