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jot & tittle
jot & tittle
A few pieces of worn parchment, folded and tied with string to form a small bundle.
Friday, 27 March 2009
Such a strange day -- I have been overcome with so many different emotions today. I was angry at "Pauline" for threatening Vardain. I was scared and nervous in the woods by myself. I was excited and still a bit scared when "Pauline" spoke from the bushes. I was overwhelmed as I retold my story to Purazon and Vardian. And then...I was overcome with sleep. I fell asleep in the Milltown meeting room -- only to wake up with a brilliant idea. I furiously ran across the land and gathered all of the delicacies it had to offer -- I would return to the forest and try and coax "Pauline" back to meet with me by offering a bountiful feast of Korunga fruit, Tree Moss tea, Roasted Hen, and nice tart lemonade. Only when I returned to the forest that night, there were patrols moving through the forest so that I could not return to the specific spot where I heard her voice. I fell asleep in the Forest Sanctuary that night waiting for the patrols to clear out. When I awoke, I heard that Pauline had emerged from the forest and told her stories to others and that the Iron Knights had interviewed her at length. While the details are not all clear, I know that I was not special -- I was not "chosen" to hear her voice. Rather, I was camped in the forest like a buffoon calling out in the darkness while wolves and bears prowled around me.

Now everyone seems to be on edge -- looking out for suspicious folk -- sitting in the corners of the forest just waiting. Waiting for what? It's like everyone is eager to find these "bandits" and string them up -- put their heads on stakes at the entrance to town. I feel like I am surrounded by barbarians. Before Pauline fled into Milltown, everyone assumed she was a "bandit" -- would they have allowed her to speak if they had encountered her in the forest, or would they have drawn sword and struck her down without hesitation? It's almost as if we are putting these people on the same level as Balthazar's demon hoards. I miss the raids of demons and horrors -- for I know in my gut that those are evil. But these "bandits" -- I do not know what to make of them. I feel in my guy that there must be something more to them -- they must have a story to tell. But everyone seems to just want to slay them as quickly as they would a lesser demon raider.

I am conflicted within myself.
Boy Svalbard posted @ 19:52 - Link - comments
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