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Stories of a Cleric | Korba the Faithful
Stories of a Cleric
A small bound book scuffed and stained from many adventures.
Tuesday, 11 June 2013

It's not often I have written about advancing but it's a word that can be used for many things at the moment that are worth recording.

Firstly and of least importance I have finally proceeded beyond my 62nd level. I'm not sure how many marcs it has been since the trainer taught me new skills, in fact it's the first time the crier has called my name as a rogue! The next level is close behind so there will soon be a trip to Ethucan and the Holy Temple of Ben and its forge. I wonder if the initiate would like a journey.

That's the second piece of news, an initiate has asked me for advice, and potentially a trip to the temple in the future. I won't record her name here, but she shows promise in patience, although I fear she may find my old clerical habits hard to deal with, and the incident with [COLOR=red]red sparks[/COLOR] may put her off for good. We tried to make amends by collecting a few suitable items and leaving them where the change happened but who knows. I will be praying as much as training that's for sure, perhaps crimson blooms would be more suitable if I can manage to find some.

The final matter is a matter of both lesser and greater importance. I have begun the process of applying to The Twenty Two. I hope I can answer all their questions satisfactorily.
Korba posted @ 16:15 - Link - comments (1)
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