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A Minty Tale

A Minty Tale
ABout Me

Age: 55~ winters
Location: Haunted Camp
Profession: Warrior

A boshide journal that smells of fresh dirt and mint leaves. The pages are smudged at the edges and dirt crumbles fall out between the pages.

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Pressing toes into cool soil
Dry, dead, dirt


last days
March 2024


Alfred Elpin

Wednesday, 13 March 2024
There appears to be changes upon the lands. Alexi Corsair, a Custodian within the ABV, appeared - as it was reported to me by another - and an argument ensued. Is anyone surprised? Our lot can be quite stubborn and combative, it is what makes us such good adventurers. But it also makes us lousy countrymen.

Apparently, Mr. Corsair has decided to withdraw any ABV personnel among the lands for their own safety.

I fully support that choice, of course. How many innocents have perished at the hands of demons and the domain of darkness? How many were slain in the razing of Fartown and among those that were able to flee the town? Too many.

I came down the stairs in the Dundee Inn to find Raffe hollering at Jeffrey about some watered down ale. Likely a result of the ABV's men and women withdrawing to the safety of their homes. But I told Raffe that I just didn't understand why folks were so hostile and argumentative towards Alexi. The man has been forthright about his motivations: better Valorn. And he has been forthright about how that happens: through coin. Hard to fault a guy that tells you what he will do with his right hand while expecting payment with his left.

Maybe I'm just a na?ve farmer, but I just don't have a problem with the fellow.

That puts me at odds with many, it seems.

Perhaps, Journal, I might need to make sure I have a safe place should they become hostile and argumentative with me. I wonder if Alexi will grant me asylum if they do.



Dundee Forest


Seeds - Everywhere! It's Spring!

Potential Farmers