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The Myriad
The Myriad
This small book is curved at the edges - as though it is frequently stuffed into a pocket.
Wednesday, 12 July 2023
We made flower crowns yesterturn - and each of us wore one because we're all Beauteous. I had told them, you see, about the tourneys we have back home, and how the victor hands out his crown to the prettiest maid.

I know lot's of pretty girls here in Valorn. Truth be told, I'd be hard pushed to decide who to bestow such a crown upon, should we ever have such a competition here. Really, it was only fair that we all each had one. I think I might love them all for the different verves and tempers they bring. My father says that you should be in love every day - and I think perhaps that I am too. I do feel as though I am in love today. I am in love with the world, and the season, and my friends. I am in love with the promises of what's to come.

My father will be hosting a Ball in a few turns. So I've got a job this turn of putting in an order for a suit with the tailor. I've already asked Miss Kirana to save me a dance. She did look very pretty in her crown of flowers. I think I'll ask a few others too. I am not the most accomplished dancer. But I don't mind that. There's still joy in movement all the same.

I am almost ready to advance again. And with that, I might be able to move on from the desert. Though, that is a thought for another day, I think. For now, my mind is full of summer, and I want for nothing more than to swim in warm lakes.

Nicholas Steward posted @ 11:20 - Link - comments
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