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Olivia's Adventures
Olivia's Adventures
Olivia's arrival and adventures in Valorn.
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
I have been thinking back on all that has happened since my arrival in Dundee. My memories are all jumbled up. Everything was such a blur. I was so new to the world, never having been outside.

Everything I've ever learned has been through reading or scrolls. I know many things about plants. Like which herbs go well together, which ones are edible and which ones heal. I know how to make a sticky paste using swamp grass and how to make tiny scented pillows to keep packs smelling fresh. I know how to make a soap using certain herbs and flowers. But I never DID any of these things until I was free.

One of my favorite things to do is exploring. I often stop in the middle of training to explore. I found a cave in the Dark Forest when I was training there. It has a couple of pictures carved into the wall and no magic can be used inside. I explored the ranch house to the west of Milltown. It is old and sad. It makes me wonder what happened there. How did the farm get abandoned? When I grew strong enough, I explored the beach and the sea caves south of Dundee. The sea dwellers have amazing skills. The walls of the caves were beautifully carved. The floors appeared to be made of some shimmering material that looked like scales. Glowing orbs of light lined the corridors. I was fascinated! Of course, I was eventually caught sneaking around the caves and attacked.

I tried to get away, but there were too many. I was brought the sea King there. When he tried to eat me, I managed to squirm away from the guards. I knocked him and his guards out by banging my clunky sword against their helms as hard as I could whenever they bent down to try and grab me. The scepter fell out of the giant sea King's hand. I grabbed it and managed to drag it away. The thing was taller than me! I imagine I was quite the sight. A tiny girl with torn clothing, dragging this big, heavy stick along the beach, then up through the plains, past Dundee and on into Milltown. There I showed it to the Master Trainer. He seemed to be proud of me and gave me a parchment.

When I first arrived in Dundee, I wasn't sure what would be the best profession for me. I was told that there was a Library at the Caer Castle. I was so excited! A whole Library of tomes which I could read whenever I pleased! I read everything. I was given other recommended reading. It stunned me that I was allowed to read so freely. No longer did I have to read in clandestine shadows, snatching a few quick paragraphs here and there. Now I could sit for hours, just reading. It was so liberating!

Eventually, I decided to become a Cleric. I love helping people and I know so much about healing items that becoming a Cleric just seemed like a natural thing for me. A woman named, Kutie, agreed to become my sponsor. I remember being so excited and nervous about getting my profession. We traveled across the Endless Desert to a secret temple. When I stepped inside, I could feel the very energy of the gods. I felt small and terrified. Would the gods grant me the power to become a Cleric? As I began to chant, light seemed to surround me. Eventually, I fell to the floor, weakened as the light shot up through the hole in the ceiling. But I knew, the gods had granted my wish. I was a Cleric!

Of course, I've made many mistakes as a Cleric, but I'm still learning, always learning. It was Doyle who taught me most of what I know about being a Cleric. If ever I could choose a father, I would choose him. He is a wonderful man, stern, but also kind. He even gave me his hammer. I love that hammer so much! Now I am strong enough to use a holy sword and I will be returning the hammer to him. I only pray that someturn, I will again have a hammer that I can call my own. Now, I grow tired. I'll write more later dear journal.
Olivia Pratt posted @ 19:42 - Link - comments
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