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Olivia's Adventures
Olivia's Adventures
Olivia's arrival and adventures in Valorn.
Friday, 10 February 2017
I was raised as a slave girl by the Master. I never knew who my parents were. I was told only that they sold me when I was very young. I often wonder what they were like and hope to myself that they only sold me because they had no choice. Perhaps they were very poor and worried that they wouldn't be able to take care of me.

As far back as I can remember, the Master was always shouting at me. Sometimes there were beatings. Once, he got very drunk and threw bottles at me. By the turn I was nine summers, I had learned to cook and clean. By the turn I was twelve summers, I had become skilled at sewing and painting. The Master always wanted me to make his clothing and then paint him while he wore the new outfits. Those were the only turns I knew any peace.

Confined to the house, I rarely got a glimpse of the outside world except through the windows. Someturns, the Master's brother would visit. He was as kind as the Master was cruel. Often, he would give me small gifts, a smooth stone, a flower or a blade of grass. These were small enough that I could hide them beneath my pillow. When the Master slept, I would take them out and gaze at them while dreaming of a wider world.

Over the years, I had learned to read. Someturns, I would sneak into the Master's den and read some of his writings. I was fascinated by any news of the outside world. The summer that I turned thirty, it was late at night when I crept into his den while he slept. I discovered that the Master was plotting to kill his brother! Horrified, I decided to warn him the first chance I got. I turned to go back to bed and there was the Master, blocking the doorway!

It was clear from his terrifying glare, that he knew what I had discovered. There was nowhere to run! He started coming for me, uttering bloodcurdling oaths, telling me how I would die. Fortunately, I remembered that he had some teleport scrolls lying on the nearby shelf. I don't know why I never thought to use them before, but now I grabbed one and opened it with trembling hands.

The Master shouted something and surged forward, hands out, ready to grab me! I read the scroll aloud and the next thing I knew, I was standing on the outskirts of Dundee, the Master's angry shouting, still echoing in my ears. I don't know why he hasn't come after me. All I know is that I am finally free!

Olivia Pratt posted @ 21:25 - Link - comments
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