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An ornate and gold-edged book, of which inside are secrets even she doesn't know or understand. But tucked all through it are leaflets of paper, as if she'd rather not write in the book its self. Except on the first empty page of the book is written in exquisite, flowing penmanship her full name. ~ Lavender Cecelia Morgan.
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Wednesday, 24 February 2021
That age old anxiety, that makes me want to pull away is rearing it's ugly head again. And the one I am with has done nothing to warrant it! Why oh why is being with someone I care about so freaking hard! Hopefully he understands my trepidation has nothing to do with him.. but is something broken inside me. Something, that may never be fixed. I am broken, hopelessly flawed. Behind my calm exterior, beautiful features, and abundant helpfulness... I am nothing but a broken, scarred, and scared girl.
Lavender posted @ 08:20 - Link - comments