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An ornate and gold-edged book, of which inside are secrets even she doesn't know or understand. But tucked all through it are leaflets of paper, as if she'd rather not write in the book its self. Except on the first empty page of the book is written in exquisite, flowing penmanship her full name. ~ Lavender Cecelia Morgan.
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Thursday, 02 April 2020
It was a very interesting turn last turn. The gods decided to charge us for every death! Then proceeded to kill us in many different ways! As well as an invasion of reapers that were nearly impossible to kill. Despite this I fought as hard as I could, though it was interesting to compare deaths with other adventurers. At the end of the turn we found the gods were playing a joke on us all... I was exhausted, and nearly passed out standing up. But my energies were renewed as the Crown of Munificence came to me. I've never worn a crown before! Low was not pleased the crown left him to come to me. I doubt it will stay long, but it is still an honor to be allowed it's presence for a time.
Lavender posted @ 17:21 - Link - comments