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An ornate and gold-edged book, of which inside are secrets even she doesn't know or understand. But tucked all through it are leaflets of paper, as if she'd rather not write in the book its self. Except on the first empty page of the book is written in exquisite, flowing penmanship her full name. ~ Lavender Cecelia Morgan.
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Location: A poof away
Zodiac Sign: Enchanter
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Saturday, 21 May 2016
From the portal I found myself standing in the welcoming area but soon met Jolan who welcomed me to this new, strange and wonderful place Called Trinald, more specifically Dundee of Valorn. I will admit, the smells... the people... the lands were all foreign to me. But I decided to take up the call and try to do my best to make a life here in these lands and make this my home. I knew pretty early on that I wanted to be an enchanter though I digress that my desire to do so was so that I wouldn't find myself unwillingly finding the portal that brought me here and have it send me back. I enjoyed the challenge of learning to be an enchanter, I was told when I first started that enchanters lives were hard and that it was impossible to find all the spells that they had access to. I admit the thought that I could possibly find them all thrilled me and was for a long time my own personal challenge. It is amazing what one can do when one has the will to do it! Though perseverance I DID achieve what most thought nearly impossible! I did not leave the places blues are found until I had found them all! It was during this time though that I made friends and found a new family, a delightful guild that has been my refuge. The leader Cody even teased me giving me the nickname of the Purple Poofer. Though.... through all these times I looked for someone I could share my life with and be happy. I met my best friend during all this was a guild brother. I could tell him anything and he could talk to me as well... we grew close, but at the time it was not meant to be... yet even I fell for him. Others came into my life, friends with parties... guys that flirted. Yet I still had feelings for one... my best friend... who made my heart flutter when he was near. Perhaps it was just because we were both lonely, but due to circumstances beyond our control we could not be together. So I tried to just be his friend and not want more which sent me into the lives of others I liked them but it wasn't the same.... one promised me I could be queen of his guild, but though I liked him I did not truly love him and could not be his bondmate... especially when I found out he was flirting with other women while trying to talk me into being his bondmate. I did not hate him for it... which showed me even more that I did not love him so I told him goodbye. And felt better for doing so! I still continued my search for blues, the search taking up quite a bit of my time... and probably did make me a little crazy. I tried to deny my feelings for my friend, but every time I did seemed like something worse happened to me. It did not help that at this time another man, set to undermine anything my best friend and I had together, trying to keep us apart at all times or if we were together to hang around so that we could not truly talk again, which stressed me to the point that I ran away thinking that was the only way to find peace.
Lavender posted @ 18:50 - Link - comments