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A private chronicle
A simple leather bound pocket book tied closed with a long woven strip of spidersilk.
Sunday, 01 May 2016
"Overconfidence," a wise enchanter once said, "is the Enchanter's malady."

After nearly half a turn spent scrubbing burn- and scorch-marks from the walls and floor of the arrival area in the Nexus, I have decided this would be a good time to put an end to any experiments involving exploding bags of magic powder.

I am so grateful that no one was harmed by my foolishness. Ah! What was I thinking?

Magic dust teleports enchanters to the nexus, and only to the nexus. We were already inside the nexus when someone thought to hit that first bag of magic powder with a fire ball. That's why the explosion remained in the nexus--of course!

But the experiments I conducted on the beach--oh, all my careful safety precautions!--each of the three blasts of magic must have activated the magic dust, teleporting a large part of the explosions into the nexus!

I shall never cease to thank the Gods that no one was harmed. I am appalled and horrified at the thought of what might have happened. I shall not tempt fate so again.

I must cancel any plans to continue such experiments, obviously. And tell those who offered to join me in them.

Oh, how could I have been so thoughtless?!

Ashani...We shall find another way to avenge you.
Brielle Erawind posted @ 05:45 - Link - comments
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