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Andy's Anecdotes
Andy's Anecdotes
A collection of parchments bound in eelskin, this journal is an eclectic hodgepodge of thoughts, ideas, rants and ramblings from the befuddled mind of Andy Feenix.
Friday, 26 June 2015
**beaming** We have a couple o' new guild sisters! Ona Raven an' Pheromin....who we call Phero...have joined our Blade an' Staff fam'ly! I be sa happy an' proud. They both be dedicated 'venturers an' Phero makes me laugh. **smiles then his brows fly up** OH! Had a wunnerful spontaneous party yestid'y at our beach. Loki was thar, an' Topaz...Aryana, Sweet Melanie, Sister Moira, Brother David an' a couple o' others. I a played a few o' me songs on me Zither an' accompanied Sister Istela on one o' hers. They was plenny ta eat an' drink an' we all wen' in a swimmin'! I had sa much fun a splashin' abou' in Lake Valorn. **lopsided grin** David stripped down ta his small clothes! **laughs** 'Twas lots o' fun. Viviana showed up late, which be a shame 'cause I really like Viv an' woulda liked ta share th' good times wi' her. **sighs then shrugs** Duty called an' I wen' off ta help some feller 'venturers then I wen' back ta th' beach an' fell off ta sleep wi' Melanie in me arms an' in me dreams. A great day. **nods and takes a hefty swallow of Ale** Talk ta ye soon frien's, guildies an' feller 'venturers! **grins and waves**
Andy Feenix posted @ 12:41 - Link - comments
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