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Age: 19
Location: Needs more study.
Profession: Rogue-to-be
Blog Description
A stack of loosely gathered parchments with what appears to be chicken-scratch covering most of them. The foremost page bears a discernible drawing of a slice of cake.
last days
January 2015


Wednesday, 07 January 2015
Why do gremlins need string?
Needs more study.

Why are the pirates angry?
Probably homeless. Should ask a pirate.

What is the meaning of life?
To question everything.

Why does the Dundee Mayor want zombie heads?
Possible hoarding? Or bounty. Needs more study.

Do people like cake?
Opinions vary. Reasons unknown.

Effects of zombie collar on non-zombie?
None noticed. Possible social experiment?

Why do people ice skate?
Needs more study.

How does poison work?
Needs safer study methods.

How do people respond to multiple personal questions?
Surprisingly well.
Harkyne posted @ 23:32 - Link - comments