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The Jester's Tales
The Jester's Tales
An olive covered blank journal with a small "Read Me" note placed on it's bland look front. It's mostly full of blank pages, but there are some readable pages. || The wonderful journey's, adventures, and experience of Loki. You're invited to see his open diary.
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Friday, 06 March 2015
QUOTE OF THE TURN: [url=][COLOR=purple]Iron Protector Doyle the Holy Warrior[/COLOR][/url]

"Thank you Loki, I have no doubt you will find the path that makes you feel whole... and that you will be remembered by many as time goes on."

I do as well.. Thank You too, friend.
This conversation was not recent, no. As a matter of fact, I didn't even feel like writing in here after it. Including the one I had with Lillya. She actually begged for me to stay, I didn't even realize she cared that much? Then again, I would be a hypocrite; Sense I told her she wasn't allowed to take a walkabout, now the tables have turned. And so, I haven't.. And I think it'll stay that way.

More of my friends have told me how they think of me, and I've asked as well. Sehdae and Kairiel really gave me some good advice.

"Fire doesn't break. Just needs good tending" -- Kairiel Bosburn

"Why do you worry so what others think? No reason to feel out of place unless you feel unaccepted. You find those who accept you for you, and you make them your home, worrying not at all for what the rest think. It is a frame of mind you just choose to have, reaffirming it day to day until it just is." - Sehdae

Thank you, there were more words, though really, these ones stood out.

"Quite the ensemble. You do me a kindness, Loki. Thank you."
Those were Hojo's words. He thanked me for drawing him, it was apart of the contest!! I'm glad he liked it!!

In other news, passing the underground whole one, I had to stitch my friend up...
Literally. Darn Nih. Why did he have to endanger himself so? He's lucky to have a friend who knows how to sew so very well.. I'm happy that he at least gave himself a turn break.. that's all I asked, really. Though he should have been in bed!! Now I'm on Warrior-Guard duty, and I'm perfectly okay with that.

This whole turn wasn't too bad, I guess..
Kairiel has been teaching me a few things, it's a blessing really.. to have her there, at least someone's teaching me some things about acting.. I love it. Plus it distracts me from possibly running off and doing something stupid, like I tend to do.

I think I'm coming into myself.. I'm just not sure yet. Thankfully, Viviyana prayed for me.. it actually made me smile, for real. And yes, I put on a mask every time, because I like to see others doing the real thing. Smiling is.. contagious.

Everyone should smile...
And just be happy...

The shadows will provide.. what I yearn for.. I hope..
Loki Jester posted @ 23:38 - Link - comments
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