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A simple folio of parchment wrapped in Bos leather and carefully bound. A circle with the letters "AIY" is stamped on the cover.
Thursday, 18 January 2007
It seems like an eternity since I last placed pen to paper. So much has happened... And I guess that is why I got my hands on a blank journal from a merchant to start recording my thoughts again.

So much time... it seems time is the one thing that is a constant companion to me and my thoughts, spending itself to tutor me, while seeming to never diminish.
Time and experience can change someone, can change not only their outlook on life, but their very life. Since my last journal entry, my old journal has no doubt faded away, lost to the sands of time. I can only remember vaugely what I wrote then, but some ideas, half-forgotten images dance temptingly on the edges of my perception like old ghosts, taunting me to catch them if I can. Ah well.

A word about me. I am a quiet and introverted person, yes. Many times my thoughts go unvoiced, as I have waited patiently and watched quietly, doing what I must, assisting where I may, and generally swimming through the ocean of time.

I have many fond memories of this place, thankfully there are more good memories than bad ones. I am the first to admit that I'm far from perfect, and have brought bad things upon myself through thoughtlessness or sheer stupidity on more than one occasion.

But, as I often joke with my old friends that I may be as dumb as I look, but I'm tougher than I look.

I must pause here a moment, lest I start to sound a bit overdramatic. Underneath my calm, cool exterior I am a rather emotional person.
I feel them strongly, and sometimes those feelings can change quickly.

For example, when I am happy, it feels as though every cloud has been banished from the sky and the radiant light of the Sunrifter smiles down on the lands with the warmth and essence of Cory's grace.

But if I am sad, or upset, all the stormclouds created gather above my head, blocking out the light of the Sunrifter, the caress of the wind, and turn the world a dull monochrome of browns and grays.

But such feelings are etherial and passing as clouds, and over time I have learned to accept them when they come, and deal with them.

So, journal, I shall try to start writing to you more often now. I do have a story or two I could tell.

Until next time.

Isoyami posted @ 13:07 - Link - comments
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