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hazed visions
hazed visions
An old tattered book bound and covered with carved leather, pages riped and torn hanging from it, with pressed flowers and blood speckled decorations.
Saturday, 05 March 2005
After a long and unexplainable absence I find myself yet again wondering through the endless desert in search of something to bash senseless, though I know my skill is rusty and my mind on other matters, the actions take away from my continuing deterioration of self.
There is a sense of complete loneliness in this harsh realm as it is, but to return from who knows where, with little to no memory of what went on during ones time there, well, it leaves me feeling even more cast out than before.
So I will simply pick myself back up off this sand and return to my collection of Giant Scorpion Stingers, unlike the people who waft in and out of my life at lest these have a permanent use.
hazeie posted @ 09:13 - Link - comments
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