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July 2014


Monday, 14 July 2014
"Dullness gets no prizes."

"That's the truth there. Dullness gets no prizes. Well I know it."

It was amusing, getting the Firebug all heated up, but like most things in this world it had a bitter note, too. She said that and I couldn't help but think of Evelyn and Derric.

It was a good life. Man can't ask for much more in this world other than the love of a good woman and the friendship of a good man. When it curdles, the whole world turns dark.

I didn't stand in their way. I could have. Evie told me she would stay with me, that she owed it to me. Not the sort of man to believe love can be owed. Derric had that way about him, like sunshine after a good hard rain. Couldn't hold a candle to that, and so I moved on.

Been moving on ever since, feels like.

I remember, though. Remember the fine hairs that always curled against her neck. Remember pressing my face there and smelling her woman sweat and the lavender water she rinsed with. Remember sharing laughter and work with Derric, and lifting ales with him after dusk.

Remember finding them together, too, and feeling the double loss.

No, dullness gets no prizes, but I have to believe there's a reward for steadiness.




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