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Final words...
Final words...
Thursday, 30 June 2005
As I lay here in bed and write these hand shakes with the effort of holding my pen.

It has been many weeks since I last walked amongst my friends and sisters...and I fear that I will never see my lovely Valorn again.

The sickness began when I first left on my travels. I thought nothing of it, just a simple fever. Then my feet and hands started to tingle.

Within days...the tingling turned to numbness.

As the days continued, the numbness slowly spread thoughout the rest of my body. I eventually came across a kind old woman who let me rest in her bed, and I have not been able to get up since.

At first I did not fear, for with numbness comes no pain. But now it feels as if my veins are filled with fire, and my legs often spasm uncontrolably.

Above all else, I wish that I could see those that I care for one last time. I cannot travel in my state, and I have not heard of anyone searching for me.

But I do not fear death. Rather...I fear that the pain will continue with no end, and I will be confined to this accursed bed for the rest of my days

I know not the cause...I only wish for it to end...
Elhana posted @ 01:33 - Link - comments (1)
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