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Half the size of a regular tome, this small journal seems as full of scraps of paper and notes as it does pages. It is covered in an old fox pelt. The writing within it is flowing and well practiced. There are doodles in the margins of each entry.
Tuesday, 03 March 2015
Information finally brought me back to Valorn's shores. Or the need for information, rather. I simply did not have enough for what I was working on. Back I stepped through the doorway and back to the RoK's stone tower. I had some notion of staying to collect only what I needed and then retreating again to lose myself in solitude and study. Fate intervened in the form of a funeral. For an outfit of clothing. I stood there in Dundee Center and remembered a time when I would have joined in such revelry...if not started it. A time when I would have thrown myself into the absurdity of it all and not just stood back, pure politeness keeping me there. And then Cenny sang and my reserve began to slip.

I believe it was Ravi, or perhaps Asante who asked if I would host the wake. So strange to not remember exactly who provided me a way back to myself. But I accepted and soon found myself swept along in that same light-hearted foolery that had been such a part of who I was. And every time I felt the need to flee and fight it, there was Loki and his murmured words.

And then the cape attacked. And I slipped off to the throne room, a habit so ingrained in me it was impossible to resist. And there was a seal breaker and corrupted knight. And suddenly that part of me surged to life as well. Then suddenly, in some strange way, I finally achieved a balance within myself.

Thank you Stormy Sunset, you will forever hold a place in my fondest regard.
Viviyana posted @ 09:38 - Link - comments
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