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The Book of Reflection
The Book of Reflection
A handsome leather-bound book with a water gem embedded in the cover and a cobalt blue ribbon holding a page...
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Location: On the shore/In the water
Zodiac Sign: Enchanter
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September 2014

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Sunday, 14 September 2014
I needed some rest, just for a little while. That is what I told myself when I lay upon the beach and breathed deeply, drifting beneath the night stars and listening to the waves. When I woke it was to a flurry of message birds. The Sanctuary! I ran, and when I arrived I was devastated. The altar was defiled and broken, the little symbolic statuettes lay in pieces and there was much blood. The stench was awful. I felt great shame at having been away resting while this ruination was of all places: Our Sanctuary. I told Pallas what a mockery I thought it was meant to be. I was disgusted and drained. I was heavy with misery. He comforted me and when the Sunrifter rose again, I had a new outlook. Pallas assisted me in removing the gruesome yeti hides that were bloodied and we placed them on top of the campfire. He lit a bonfire to burn them away and rid the area of their smell. Exhausting work, and I rested fitfully for a while afterward. Upon my next waking, there were friends ready and willing to help. Kaballoi and Low, Joyfire and a new friend named Lucinda. Pallas of course was there and Brou too. They helped to gather debris and scrub walls. It was very heartening to know they were there to help, even though I had been unsure about how to ask them. I do not know why kind and generous gestures like these still come as such a surprise to me...after all this time in the lands you would think I'd know the size of our peoples' hearts...
aylap posted @ 19:17 - Link - comments