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The Book of Reflection
The Book of Reflection
A handsome leather-bound book with a water gem embedded in the cover and a cobalt blue ribbon holding a page...
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Location: On the shore/In the water
Zodiac Sign: Enchanter
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December 2013

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Thursday, 19 December 2013
I had such a wonderful evening the other night! I must have had a very good time, because I dozed as I wrote and when I woke, nearly everyone was gone and I had more ink on my face than on the page! I was recounting the stories told my Ixon Fier and Xanthias...though I know Doyle also shared a story, but I had fallen asleep by then. Earlier, I had just woken and received an invitation from Xanthias to come and listen to stories at the Sheildwall Guild Hall. I was, of course, delighted, as I am so rarely awake for such occasions. I got lost on the way, once or twice, but I think perhaps no one noticed, because there were others entering just as I found my way...perhaps I blended in with them. When I arrived, I immediately settled in to listen. Ixon told a very daring story about himself and two other adventurers from the very early days and their battle with the Zombie creature below the Mayor's quarters. It was frightful and he spoke brilliantly. I was very pleased to learn all about the events. Next, Xanthias told a wonderful story of bravery when there seemed no end in sight for he and the others fighting along side him. As they were weakened by attack from beast after beast, BEN spoke to them! Can you imagine!? I shall have to ask him about it in greater detail with the gods absolutely fascinates me. Ben sent down a bolt of power and reassured the adventurers. I was very moved by the story. Perhaps it was a bit too much wine and a bit too much excitement, but it wore me out. Embarrassingly enough, I dozed right there in the guest hall, in front of everyone! I awoke just as excited as I was during the story-telling, but soon realized I had better go and wash the ink splotches from my cheek ....
aylap posted @ 22:28 - Link - comments