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Silver Thoughts.

Silver Thoughts.
ABout Me

Age: Twenty-Five Falls
Location: Valorn
Zodiac Sign: Rogue

A small journal adorned on the front with a simple sword drawing. From the tip of the sword, small droplets flow down, each droplet filled in with the color of silver. A short note on the inside cover reads: 'Property of Merk Rosha Silverblood, if found, please return to me at once...I'll just assumed you've read it.'

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last days
November 2014
July 2013
April 2013
March 2013


Thursday, 13 November 2014
Well, there you are journal. I've been looking for you.

How long had I slept? Too long if you ask anyone. Poor Istela was beside herself with worry over me. I had nearly forgotten how sweet her kisses taste and how soft her hair is. Truly, I am blessed to be bonded to her. I shouldn't make her worry so.

Many familiar faces are around. Tonight I sat in the inn while Zannan, Viviyana and others discussed providing winter provisions to various creatures. Zannan crafted together a comedic tune about Viv and a gremlin being reminded me of a time long past when I stood on the stage in the theater above the Dundee town hall; weaving my own vision of humor, back when I was still finding my way in Valorn.

Smiles and laughter; I have missed those things. I am not a poet or a fable-teller but when I fumble like a klutz and hear the laughs and see the grins, I am happy. I'll gladly play the fool if it brings my fellow adventures joy. I'll tell my jokes and play my harmless (mostly) pranks to see their faces light up.

Seriousness has a time and a place, but if we forget to be happy, that demon lord with an empty codpiece wins. My Falchions may not have the bite to hurt him, but my wit and mirth sure puts dent in his plans to make Valorn a dark place. At least, I hope so.

I have some purpose...don't I?

Wednesday, 31 July 2013
I spent many Marcs alongside my wonderful bondmate last eve. We went to the Lighthouse to get her an Admirals' Cloak. As she put it on, I saw a warmth in her eyes that reminded me of the day we were bonded. As we sat and talked, I came to realize that I am not complete unless by her side.

She told me she wanted to renew our bond vows. A wonderful idea that. I want to make sure she knows just how much she means to me. I am also hoping it will coax her a bit more out of the shy shell she has built up around herself. She is so warm, kind, and intellgent, but she only shows it to me. I hope she will share it with the world someday.

Andy asked me to become the Ambassador for Blade and Staff. How could I refuse? I know he is trouble by the recent plague of Macrolepy that has hit our guildmates. I must do what I can to help my guild family.

For now Journal, I must depart, training is calling me.

Thursday, 25 July 2013
Summerfaire will be ending soon, and even though I have not been able to attend every event, I did enjoy the festivities. In addition to seeing my wonderful bondmate again, I also meet many new people, whom seem to be Veterans of the struggle, walking these paths long before I considered it.

Alanna Sylverhaven is an interesting lass. She is a powerful warrior from the guild known as the Nocturnal Hand. Her hair is similar to mine, but is more on the white end of the spectrum rather than silver. She has been kind to me, and is interesting to talk to.

Seragil Shadowsong could very well be my brother, we look similar to each other, we're both rogues. Only up close to you notice his hair is Platinum while mine is more Silver. He seems like a good man, i'll just have to talk to him more to be certain.

I also decided to become a mentor to new adventurers, as Azure was to me. I may no have her vast wealth of knowlege, but I can still assist those who are new to the role of adventurer.

I believe that is all for tonight my journal. I shall write my thoughts down again soon.

Friday, 12 July 2013
[COLOR=red]*A number of pages past the previous entry are blackened around the edges, as if intense heat had gotten to them, all the remaining pages are untouched*[/color]

I feel asleep in the magma caverns, and much like annoying a fire imp, I don't recommend it.

Too many rifter-cycles have past since I last wrote my thoughts down. Where do I even start? I bonded with a wonderful, compassionate, lovely woman, Istela. She truly completes me. At first, mere curiosity spurred me to talk to her, but as she opened herself up to me, I knew that the two of us were meant to be. I know I have worried her so with my long sleep, But we will always be together in spirit.

Honeymooning in Essex was interesting, such fine workman ship in that city. Yet you can feel the distrust for Valrons in the air. I'm thankful that I decided against being an Enchanter, otherwise I might have found myself visiting their dungeons...from the wrong side. Though I have to admit, the beach was amazing, and no monsters! Always a plus I look for in beaches.

I joined a guild as well, long before I bonded. Blade and Staff, lead by that loveable guy Andy Feenix. Also the home of my sponsor, Brou, and my bondmate. Laughter and joy fills the guild does obscene amount of ale. All of it is marked for Andys' personal use, imagine that.

Thats' all for now, my journal, I'll try not to fall asleep in the magma caverns again.

Monday, 01 April 2013
I can't believe I let myself get so angry. I'm not one to blow my top often, but today was an insult to much to bear. How dare he order her out of my presence? He did not ask, he did not request. He DEMANDED. I had enough, I grabbed my blade and I chased him, didn't even realize I had entered N'rolav until after it was all over. Even with her there shouting at both of us to stop, the words flew, and all I wanted to do was end it. Draw my blade and fight it out...

Have I lost my mind? Even if I do not agree with him, to even think of putting a blade through his heart instead of a I still the same man as I was when I began this adventurer life? I'm not so sure...for now though, 'tis best if I steer clear of him.

...lest the rage overflow again.

Saturday, 30 March 2013
[COLOR=red]*This page contains a copy of his comedy routine from the Talent show*[/COLOR]

Since I started my adventuering life not to many moonrises ago, I've noticed something. I have figured out what makes a true adventuer. It is NOT the willingness to take up arms agianst evil, NOR is it an absolute devotion to the gods and the ability to do good for the weak. No, these traits make good people, but not true adventuers. The mark of a true adventuer is the abosolute, some would say relentless, drive to...Pick anything a monster or creature drops up off the ground and deposit it into our packs.

We do this without any thoughts, any reservations, only stopping when our packs are so heavy and bludging that one more piece of loot would tear our backs asunder. If we can heft it, into the pack it goes. We could come across Fossiled Bo Dung and the only thought that would pass through our heads would be "How much money will Kodi or Haggie give me for this?".

And before you start accusing me of being a hypocrit, I am just as guilty as everyone in this room. When I entered Dundee Inn for the first time, I came across Scooter, our favorite puppy. As I reached down to pet him, I was overcome with an irresistable urge, and wouldn't you know it? Next thing anyone knew I was trying to put him into my pouch, only to be stopped by a twing of common sense.

Yet we give no thought as to how the item came into the creatures' possesion in the first place. Some would say it is a reward from the gods for vanquishing evil from the land, others say they were belongings of an adventuer who was cut down by the creature. I am not so sure, and the reason for all this is because when I was adventuring through the hollow tree south of Dundee, a Gremlin I had slain dropped a mug, as I gazed into it I couldn't help but wonder...Was that mug full when the Gremlin found it, or did he it off?

Not only do we pick up anything we can find to sell, many a times we will pick something a monster has dropped...and put it on! It does not matter that it is soaking in blood from the creature we just slain, does it give better protection? Does it make us more agile? Stronger? Smarter? If so, off with the old and on with the new! It does not matter that the collar we just found was being worn by one of the foul fowls of the Poultary farm, We will wear it, and wear it proudly.

And so my gentle friends, as my time winds down, a favor I must beg from you. If you insist on pick from the corpses of slain creatures, I ask you this. Becareful what you pick up, and please, give it a wash. Our noses will thank you.

Friday, 29 March 2013
[COLOR=red]*Rather than a journal entry, this page seems to be dedicated to some of Merks' jokes, numerous lines have been crossed out, as if he is not happy with the joke*[/COLOR]

-How is Blathys' head similar to his Cod piece?
-They're both empty.

-How many ales has Andy consumed over his lifetime?
-No one can count that high.

-If you're walking down the road and feel a sudden bump against your legs, what should you do?
-Stand aside and apologize to Azure for standing in her way.

-What did one initiate say to another when they came across a Rotting Headless Hen for the first time?
-"That's just fowl"

-How does Sashatan Baconheart....mmm...Bacon...

-What is the test to join Serendipitous Resurrection?
-Pronouncing 'Serendipitous' correctly.

-The correct answer is always "More loot".

Monday, 25 March 2013
Today was an amazing day. I've finally chosen my profession. Thanks to Broutac Brunt, i've become a rogue! It was amazing to see my face in the sky, and I don't know if anything will ever come close to that feeling. I am happy to have come so far in so little time, and it is truly by the efforts of not just myself, but those of my friends that i've come this far.

It feels a little strange to carry a dagger where my shield used to be, but I feel I'm able to go places others can't, open locked chests, and other sneaky things. I'm sure some where shocked at my choice in profession, I do tend to be a little on the loud side. There isn't a doubt in my mind that this is the right path for me.

I feel a little exhausted after my visit from the temple. Think I shall lounge around the Inn for a while.

After finding this blank journal among the possessions of a Dryad, I've decided to keep it and write in it as my own. A little morbid perhaps, but I have to admit, writing my thoughts down does spare my poor head from carrying them around all the time.

It wasn't to many moon-rises ago that I decided to begin my life as an Adventurer, step out into the world with a sword in my hand and a sparkle in my eye. I'd probably be curled up under the rug in Dundees' Inn quaking in fear if it wasn't for the help of so many people. The first being Azure Greenhills.

Azure has been helping me since day one. Though I may jest about her constantly sending me towards certain death and destruction (Which has become a running joke) and her evil plan to fatten us all up so she can collect all the loot for herself, the truth of the matter is I would be lost without her advice and guidance. She guides me this way and that, and I would be half as strong as I am now if I hadn't had her help. I still wear the Medallion she gave to me with pride.

There is also Apolla Hartfort and El Gato, whom I met in a swamp of all places. With their blessings and enchantments i've been more confident. Not 'Charge into the Demon Lords' domain' confident, but confident my next step won't be my last. Apollas' gentle spirit and kind smile can pick me up on even the grayest of days, and just today she gave me a blossom as a symbol of friendship, which I shall always wear as the clasp to my cape. El Gato has provided sound advice, and it never hurts to have an enchanter or two, or ten, as a friend.

Cody Fireblade and Andy Feenix...Heh, if I ever need a laugh or inspiration for some good jokes, I can turn to these two. I don't believe i've ever seen Cody frown, and jokes just bounce between us like the call of two birds. Andys' love of Ale is a constant source of entertainment, I tried to count how many mugs he went through in one day, but alas, I cannot count that high.

Gerse and Brisingr Blaze deserve mention too. Gerse has provided me with alot of provisions, which is helpful since I chug health potions Andy chugs ale. Brisinger is someone I can talk to and trust, but that can be said about anyone i've mentioned in this entry. It's a bit hard to give him a personality trait that I've observed other than he his thoughtful and respectful as well.

There are many more people who have helped me along the way, and their aid has been most welcome. I would not want them to think they are any less important because they are not mentioned in this entry, however the ones I have named have gone above and beyond. Truly, to have spent so little time in this lifestyle and to be blessed with so many friends already, I am greatful.

The Inn is quiet at the moment, I suppose I'll go train.




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