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Just Bo
Just Bo
This small, leather-bound book looks to be brand new.
Saturday, 25 March 2023
I haven't written in awhile. My sentiments stand as the last time I wrote however; it is all change. But, it is getting better.

I strayed away from home for awhile. When I last left you, I was in the Grasslands. Bris wrote me a letter. I had been away for a turn or two when he wrote me. I recognised the scrawl of his hand and the emblem of our family immediately. He wrote that he had been away, but that now he was returned. He complained of his head being foggy, unhappy tidings, but warm greetings. I wrote back citing my gladness of his return. I told him that I was away, but that I hoped I would see him somewhere along the road. Though, thus far, the Gods have not permitted our paths to cross.

I stayed in the Grasslands for awhile. I was only there for a turn or two before Avedis came and joined me. He brought a liquor bottle and we slept beneath the stars. We spoke about many things. And I found myself flip-flopping. From sad to happy, and happy to sad. And so on, and so forth. I didn't cry. Though, sometimes a stone of sadness sat in my stomach. I did laugh though. I laughed often. And I even sang once.

After that, Alfred and I navigated the cliffs to Verge forest, to the place where the Cleric named Strom dwells. I don't know what it was, but it seems as though the fellow had stirred up some sort of feeling in Alfred of which he wished to share. I slept there in that camp for two turns. Upon the morning of the first turn, I was awoken with flowers. A thank you. I gave Alfred diamonds, and he gave me blossoms. Kindness brings kindness, and giving begets giving. It is not always the case. I do not think that we always get what we deserve. But on this turn, the equation worked out as it ought.

Then, before I knew it, the first turn of spring was upon us. It was time to clear the pumpkin patch, and replant the garden. So, I returned home. A host of adventurers came to lend their aid, and it did warm my heart to have so many offers. The task was rather large, and it would've taken me many turns to accomplish alone. But still, the job is done now, and everybody returned to their respective halls. Everybody went home and I remained here. I am still here.

Bo Bonnie posted @ 09:34 - Link - comments
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