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Just Bo
Just Bo
This small, leather-bound book looks to be brand new.
Saturday, 04 March 2023
I took off my Winter's Warming Jumper this morning. I fell asleep in it last night after attending the lantern ceremony. The ceremony marks the end of the festivities. So, that is that; all over and done with for another year. A half cycle of Winter's Warming. Not that long, really. Though, I feel like a different woman now to the one who'd first donned that jumper just a little while ago.

I keep mentioning these strange and sad feelings. And, again, this Winter's Warming was rife with them. There I was in the courtyard of the Caer with my sisters about my sides, and I should've felt happier. Though, there was that melancholy about me. It's followed me around for rather a few turns now. My sisters were about my sides, but my brother was absent. I've felt his absence more sharply than I expected. Mayhaps that is usual in the early turns of such a thing. I am not sure. Maybe over time the feeling will shift. It will change from grieving, to loneliness and so forth.

Strange Winter's Warming. A half cycle ago I stood with my brother at my back. He rested his hands upon my shoulders, and together we watched the lights colour the sky above the Plains. And come yestereve I was watching the lanterns alone. Well, not truly alone, but alone, nonetheless.

The last time I wrote I wanted to run. Though, now I find myself with the inclination to tarry and stay. I am going to meet and drink with Synvasti and Viviyana one evening soon. We have much to discuss. I had forgotten how beautiful the two of them are. I hadn't seen them in person in so long. I was struck by the loveliness of them; Viviyana, young and old both together. And Synvasti all wary and wild. Does this mean that we're a Coven now? You know, now that all of our brothers have left, and it is just us sisters left?

Mayhaps some witchcraft might do my soul some good. Either way, I cast some last night. When I set off that lantern of mine, I sent off with it a wish. I didn't wish for much; just to feel better again. And, as far as the universe and magic goes, I don't reckon that it's too much to ask.
Bo Bonnie posted @ 10:57 - Link - comments
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