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Exotic Specimens.
Exotic Specimens.
A small book bound in green velvet. An overly-flamboyant, purple writing plume is tucked neatly into the spine.
Sunday, 01 July 2012
This morning, I awoke upon the Worldbuilder lawn; flat on my back, the rifter glaring in my eyes and glass of wine still in hand. I had wandered here last night to sprawl out upon the grass and view the stars, I must have fallen asleep where I lay. Lavender had taken time from her training, and joined me for awhile. I do enjoy her company, and it is delightful to have truly made a new friend.
We chatted idly under the stars for awhile; discussed our homes and families and other such matters. We talked for awhile of fancy garments, gowns, dancing and ballrooms - I do not believe that I have yet mentioned I may be hosting a ball!

Yes, it was suggested yesterday (Azure, Helena and Caritta must be held responsible for planting the idea!) that I might host a Summerfaire ball. However, I do not know quite how or where to begin (I have never before hosted anything of the likes in Valorn).

I believe that my first port of call shall be to settle upon a venue - Lavender suggested a beach party (which would not be agreeable with my footwear!) or perhaps a beautiful meadow someplace, with nought but laterns and the stars to illuminate! But alas, I am still unsure. Although, I do agree that it should be an outdoor occassion, inkeeping with the theme of summer. And it must be ever so elegant, of course!

I would rather like to have a theme also. I do enjoy a Masquerade ball - perhaps with an animal, insect or flower theme? Too cliche?...

It is good to be back and have the world bustling around me again. I feared that I had aged terribly while I was away, but many have commented that I am looking better than ever! Which did come as a surprise.

Perhaps the return of Caritta breathed some life back into my body aswell? It had been ever so long since I had seen my dearest of friends - too long. It is as if we had never been apart! We eat cake and take afternoon tea together, go shopping (I purchased her a pair of those jingle jangle dancing boots - which I am most jealous of! If only they made a variety for the dashing warrior... But, I suppose I shall just have to live that dream through her for the time!), we gossip idly in tarverns, drink wine and do all of things that we did before.

Yes, it is rather a good day to be Jobe Thaniel Steward.
Jobe Thaniel Steward posted @ 11:21 - Link - comments
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