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Exotic Specimens.
Exotic Specimens.
A small book bound in green velvet. An overly-flamboyant, purple writing plume is tucked neatly into the spine.
Friday, 01 October 2010
I am still troubled. I cannot return yet... Not quite yet.
Or shall I go back soon? I do not know.

My mind and soul are yet to be soothed, but I fear no matter where I am my worries shall chase me. Will it be better to bear the storm here or in Valorn? I cannot quite decide. I suppose if I went back, I would just cause a terrible fuss, snap at those whom I adore and be miserable. I am best to stay out of the way.

Malavitch came to visit me. I had not long arrived actually...
He claimed that he must have picked up my scent upon the air or something like that. But the truth perhaps, was that he knew I would come. He looked me over. Fixed me in his cool, grey gaze and knew in an instant.
"Ten years, is it not?" he grumbled.
I swallowed and battered my eyes. I bitten upon my lip to try and stop the tremble. But I could not contain the swell of agony. I crumpled before his eyes, and he caught me (as he so often has). He permitted me to sob upon his shoulder, supporting me easily with his bear-like frame. I clung desperately to his shoulders as cries shook my body.
He buried his hand within my hair and did not say a word.

It is good to be back in his presence. Him, and the Old Man. They are both so awfully practical! It makes me squirm.
But I suppose they bring stabilty to me, and in return I share my sparkle: I pester them to come drinking with me. We merry-make and reminisce. The Old Man will sing in his husky voice... Armadeo joins us too (my delightful younger brother). Darling Armadeo, like me, is not a creature of practicalitly, he has always been a beautiful and spirited creature. I recall, when we were young, how he would casually try to vacate the house upon the evening... Dressed entirely in my clothes... I would seethe with rage.
"You look horrid in them anyway! You are a puney little waif!"

I had forgotten how much more potent the ale was up here.

I have begun some shopping. I thought I shall buy some gifts for my dearests while I am here. Something in-keeping to the winter months. Therefore I shall be more inclined to return soon, else their gifts shall be terribly 'last season'.

I am thinking also of a new outfit for myself. After all, I must make a grand enterance when I return.

Jobe Thaniel Steward posted @ 11:44 - Link - comments
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