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Paths of Tranquility

Paths of Tranquility
ABout Me

Age: Kenji Muramota, 29
Location: Where Iam needed
Zodiac Sign: Warrior

A deep red Tome that seems rather sturdy the books material is steel stripped mahogany written on the bottom in gold damask is. "Follow your heart." A small cherry-black braid of hair is used as a bookmark. The writing inside is made with a neat, skilled, educated caligraphy.

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Battle Tactics
Offensive Enchantment
Modding a Awesome Weapon.
Unthankful and rude people
Dying in a Raid


last days
March 2015


Saturday, 21 March 2015
I had to break free.. I...couldnt take it anymore once I realised what was happening to me. The change I was going through.. It was not me.. I will admit reconnecting with myself on that intimate level felt good.. Really good.. The inner animal within my soul.. I felt like blinders were lifted from my eyes.. The animal within me gave a subconcious roar of dominance and roamed free. Until blue eyes froze me into place making me pause staring back feeling as if a fencing match was taking place from the tension and electricity rising until.. Acceptance, Warmth and yes Love replaced the tension between us. My Maiden of Shadow. Just friends and allies for so long but there was a shift and I saw Apolla in a new light. Unexpected but pleasant beyond measure. There are naught restrictions but acceptance of who Iam completely. I do not need to put up a facade or any defence mechanisms with her. Its pure completely so..

Its still new like a sapling but firm roots are there, a solid foundation for us to build and grow upon. I accept her completely as the warm caring woman she is, whos determination is unmeasured. I know she would have given up her powers for my arm to be healed, Gods be praised that was not the case. But seeing her satified warm smile that night, comforting her through the tears as we finally ripped through the veils keeping my arm blemished, make the unbearable and intense pain all worth it. I will protect her, my Maiden of Shadow be it from demonic hoards or unkind words. Apolla and me will take the world by storm and overcome whatever obstacle is set before us



Not Available Anymore. *Trollfaces*

Last Movie
Doomsayer and Rebellion

Listening to
Jehanna Forte
Brisingr "Bris" Blaze
Ellyana Lilli
Iron Knight Azure Greenhills The Fable-Teller
Topaz The Poet
Bearded Wyf Broadskull
Elspeth Inell


“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” - Hellen Keller


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