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Paths of Tranquility

Paths of Tranquility
ABout Me

Age: Kenji Muramota, 29
Location: Where Iam needed
Zodiac Sign: Warrior

A deep red Tome that seems rather sturdy the books material is steel stripped mahogany written on the bottom in gold damask is. "Follow your heart." A small cherry-black braid of hair is used as a bookmark. The writing inside is made with a neat, skilled, educated caligraphy.

Likes & Dislikes

Battle Tactics
Offensive Enchantment
Modding a Awesome Weapon.
Unthankful and rude people
Dying in a Raid


last days
April 2012


Sunday, 08 April 2012
Its cold here... I know not where Iam... My cries of help have fallen upon the mocking symphony of Silence.. The only thing I have in my possesion's now are my journal, and a deep seated desire to return among the ones whom I know, my Friends and my Guild Family. Iam and have been tempered by the trials of fire, silence and solitude.. However Iam resilient and unbreakable and tempered like a sword blade.. My friends and guild family if you read this know that my return among you shall happen soon. This enchanter and his spirit are one and the same determined to get back at all costs.. May the Light of Our Gods shine upon you each and every one of you Bless and Strengthen your Resolve, my path shall soon return me to where Iam needed and missed. - Kenj Murmota **This ragged Parchment is attached to a stout hawk along with cut pieces of his trademark dashing and rather flamboyant White feathered Red Hat**



Not Available Anymore. *Trollfaces*

Last Movie
Doomsayer and Rebellion

Listening to
Jehanna Forte
Brisingr "Bris" Blaze
Ellyana Lilli
Iron Knight Azure Greenhills The Fable-Teller
Topaz The Poet
Bearded Wyf Broadskull
Elspeth Inell


“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” - Hellen Keller


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