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Vardian's Journal
Vardian's Journal
The book looks brand new and well cared for. The owner obviously takes a great deal of care over it and if you glimpse the writing it is neat and tidy. There is a large bundle of paper attached to it that seem to be covered in writing, some looks quite old.
Monday, 31 March 2008
And the gods saw fit to bring me, whole, strong and ready to do their will, to another day! A messenger had visited as I slept - what joy for that letter to be the thing my eyes first fell upon - aside the stunning sight of Sunrifter rising and crashing onto the waterfall in an almost frightening blaze of glorious light! Praise to Cory! It was as though the stars themselves were crowding within the water! I take it as a sign…. A most excellent sign.

Then I saw Knight Azure who I did not realise has been seeking me out to bestow a most generous gift from Urkki - it seems he liked my entry for his competition. It was so good to see her! She was, as ever, running at top speeds - my heart was in my mouth but she skidded to an expert halt at the edge of the cliff. For all her diminutive stature she has a great physical strength - she has been labouring under a heavy burden I think as she acts as Urkki’s messenger, but judging by her smiles and grins it is bringing her great joy. She spends so much of her time doing things for others and in caring and worrying for them. She always seems so cheerful. I hope she remembers to look after herself…. I pray she, of all people, may know peace. She will never know how grateful I am to her or how much she has done for me. It would embarrass her to hear it I know. The rest of the Knights are so lucky to have her. I am sure they know it.

I think I will finally journey back to the guild hall today. Then I will know my travels have truly finished; even though I will be abroad in the land again. I cannot wait to see them all - my dear, dear family… I hope they are all well. The message I received this morning said that though I was missed, their brothers and sisters kept their spirits up. How blessed we are, all of us, to have each other.

They said they looked forward to seeing me. I cannot wait to be seen!

Travelling is a good thing once in a while - for one of the greatest pleasures is the excitement in coming home!
Vardian posted @ 04:52 - Link - comments
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